Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bunny Salad

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. We celebrate when Jesus rose from the dead (Resurrection Sunday). In my family we have a lot of traditions for holidays and other things. We will have an Easter basket hunt in the morning. Me and my brothers and sister will have a basket full of treats. My parents will hide them at night or early in the morning. My Dad hides them really good. My sister can never find them. Last year her basket was industrial zip-tied to the curtain rod. Every morning my Mom and my sister have a cup of tea, so my sister is too sleepy to find it before she gets her tea. After we find our Easter baskets we have to get ready for church. There is a special service where we go to church. After church we will go to my grandparent's house. We will have a very nice dinner. All the kids will go on an Easter egg hunt in their backyard. I made these bunnies today because they're kind of like Easter bunnies and I'm going to take them to the special dinner tomorrow. I made these bunnies by using pear halves, cottage cheese, red hots, almonds, and instead of raisins I substituted dried blueberries. The recipe is in my Betty Crocker Boy's and Girl's Cookbook.

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